Sunday, December 27, 2009
27 Years Ago Today!
I was young, had just turned three on the 19th of December in 1982. We had Christmas as usual on the 25th but who would have known that 3 days after Christmas would come the BIGGEST turning point in not only my life but of the life of my entire family!
It was December 27th, 1982 when my biological father took a knife and stabbed and killed my biological mother. He then stabbed me in the abdomen, the knife thrusting in my stomach and exiting out of my back. He wrapped me in sheets and left me in the bed to die. With my mother dead and me dieing in the bed he sat watching television and smoking his cigarette in the living room.
In the mean time my aunt Donna had called the police and they responded to our apartment for a domestic disturbance. Little did they know that as they opened the door they would walk into my mother's body on the floor of the entry way and then finally find me wrapped in the bed.
OK so that is the tragedy, but what about the miracle? The rest of the story is amazing and you can truly see God's hand in the whole thing!
The Chief of police, Chief Smythe found me and instead of waiting for an ambulance, placed me in his police car and rushed me to the emergency room. Now this isn't what should have happened because if I would have died in his car then he would have been charged with my death. Thank God he did as the hospital staff said if he had waited for the ambulance or even for a minute or two longer I would not have made, I would have died! Thank you God and thank you Chief Smythe!
At the hospital, was rushed right into exploratory surgery to see what organs were damaged. I don't know what the surgeons facial expression was as he approached my Aunt Donna and Uncle Matt but I am sure it was of confusion, amazement, and relief as he could give some good news. The surgeon reported that miraculously "not one vital organ was damaged. It was as if someone placed their hand in her stomach and moved all the organs out of the way." There was no way that the organs should have been untouched. That's my God with His hand of protection! However the doctor reported that I did have some nerve damage and would not be able to walk again. God's healing hand was on me, as I left the hospital some time after this event I left able to walk out! Praise God!
My aunt and uncle took me in as one of their children and today you know them as my mom and dad! My God protected me, He healed me, and He gave me a family that loved and served Him and loved me too!
As we are still in the Christmas mind frame, remember the real reason we celebrate, because God sent his son as an infant so He could die for our sins on that cross on Calvary. What a Savior, not because of His protection in my life in 1982 but because He died just for me and He died just for you!
If you have never truly accepted the gift of God's son do that now, for tomorrow is not promised to us. He sent His son for you and all you have to do is accept the gift and believe Jesus died for you!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have ever lasting life." John 3:16
Lord, thank you for your Son! Thank you for being so evident in my life. I pray that as others read these words you reveal the times in their life that you have been so clearly there with them! Reveal to them that you are there right now. You are an awesome God who is our protector, provider, healer, and savior! Thank you Jesus! ~Amen
To read Philadelphia Inquirer's story from 2007 copy and paste this link:
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
This morning was filled with the fun and joy of opening gifts with the boys. What a great morning with family. I will post pictures later, first I have to go take a short nap.
P.S. I am typing this on my Mac which is Jeremy and my Christmas present that my mom so graciously gave us early! Thanks Mom!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Birthday Weekend!
Saturday was my birthday and it was a day full of SNOW! I was born in a blizzard so only fitting that on the day I turn 30 it was snowing severely. It was absolutely beautiful and I will post some pics I took a little later.
The day started off with breakfast in bed from my husband and the boys...which the boys decided to help me eat. Then off to running around in the snow for Tylenol and tissues because my boys have been sick.
Later in the evening we all enjoyed a steak dinner courtesy of my mom and a delicious raspberry filled cake courtesy of Todd and Tammi (we missed you Todd). Then a nightly call off pain from Nathan as he awoke crying with an ear infection.
My birthday weekend was complete when our good friends Scott and Debra got tickets to the Eagles game last night and invited Jeremy and I to go. Thanks to our friends Yoldanda and Tony who watched our children we were able to go. What an awesome game despite the cold weather! We were 3 rows from the field on the 49ers 20 yard line. I could practically touch the players...although the players on our side were the 49ers so it wasn't so was GREAT!
And the finale of the weekend was when we got home from the game, Aaron's fever followed by him throwing up all over the couch. Then when I finally get to sleep Jeremy Jr. waking at 1:30am with an ear infection, screaming crying.
I wouldn't trade my life in for anything! What an awesome time of reflection on my life. Now off to take all three boys to the doctors!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Time is not my Friend...
So for those of you that like to follow along, don't get too frustrated, I will continue to try to get a blog in more frequently but for now time is not my friend and so you may have to deal with some more random postings. Thanks for following!
P.S. I wish I had some more time I have so much to share! aaaaaahhhhh!!!! It's just as frustrating to me to have so much to share and no time to share it! Ok gotta go!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
There is so much to be thankful for! My God has rocked my world, my children are healthy, and I have spent the day with my family despite the obstacles that have tried to stop that from happening!
I would love to hear what your thankful for; comment.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Off to the Crazy House!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Looking forward to the weekend!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Update on the Fam
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I'm Back and I'm a MAC!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Jeremy Jr.'s 1st Day of School

I look forward to the rest of this year and what it will bring and how Jeremy Jr. will grow and change in this year!
Let's hope we don't get anymore behavior notes home like we did at the end of the first week. I called it, he is the class clown. :( He is so cute though!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Had A Bad Day
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mourning Booth
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It's Been One Year! I Miss You DAD!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Second Home Care Visit
We had our second and final home nursing visit and she said Nathan looks great. She feels that we don't need anymore visits but is going to check with Nathan's pacer team and see if they are concerned about him pulling off his strips. If they are we might have another nursing visit. But all in all Nathan is doing wonderful!
Me on the other hand, I'm not doing so hot. For whatever reason I have become depressed. I just want to find a big rock and his there with no one to bother me for a good month. I probably would get lonely but that is how I feel. I think was is playing a part in me feeling thus way has to deal with the way I cope. While everything is happening I am in what I call " business mode" where I just get done what needs to get done and there is no time for emotions. Now that things have settled down I deal with all the emotions of the event and with that and the lack of sleep I got while in the hospital topped with financial struggle is probably what caused my depression. It doesn't help that the financial struggle is worrying Jeremy and putting more areas on our relationship.
I know despite how I feel, God is my provider. He has provided continuously for us and I know He will continue to do so! Please continue to pray for Nathan but also for me and the entire family!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Out of Touch
Nathan us doing extremely well! He us running and playing like any normal three year old. Though I am glad to see that he is not too much back to normal or he would probably hurt himself.
Things at home are starting to slowly get back into a grove. I think I need to get back into a normal grove more then anybody. The boys seem into theirs already. The three of them are so cute.
Well I have been out of touch for so long I thought I would say hi. When I have more time tomorrow I will fill you in on the details of what's been going on. Thank you all for your continued prayers.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sorry...No Updates
Nathan us doing great. He us running around he like he has no limits. He is still sore and slow going but all in all he us great. We go Wednesday for a follow up with his cardiologist and the pacer specialist. I will update you on what happens.
Jeremy Jr and Aaron are so happy to have us home and we are all taking some time to readjust.
Sorry for not updating lately. Our Internet is off and so until I get that taken care of I am blogging from my phone which as awesome as the iPhone is it is hard to blog on. Once we rectify the Internet problem I promise I will put up some pictures.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Home, Finally!
Nathan is doing great. He turned into more I'd himself once we got home and I don't even think he said ouch more then 5 times. He us amazing.
Jeremy and I are exhuasted and heading to bed. I have pictures of our homecoming that I will post tomorrow.
Today will be busy with trying to get out of here and then with getting Nathan settled at home so I won't update until later in the afternoon if not early evening. If something does change though I will post a short update.
When we get home I have tins of pictures of our stay that I will start posting. Even with all this stuff going on Nathan was so stinkin cute!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and please continue to pray for Nathans recovery.
Friday, July 31, 2009
We Moved!
I know it may be silly but let's pray for poop!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Oh Uncle Scott!!
One technique we us to get Nathan back to himself is to have Aunt Debra and uncle Scott visit. After Surgery Nathan doesn't talk, doesn't smile, doesn't move and if you try to get him to smile he just roles his eyes and looks away or closes them. We have found though that when Aunt Debra and Uncle Scott visits this all changes. Here's why:
And here is Nathan just about 30 minutes ago, taking his 1st post-op walk:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Much Better
I will be able to have some down time where I can update the blog on the computer instead if from my phone so I will go into more details and post some pictures for you all.
Fever, Foot, Fluid
Also Nathan is in alot of pain. The type of incision and where it is located, the doctors said it is the most painful.
He is doing great though and fighting like a little champ!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fever and Cold Feet
As you know, Nathan came through the surgery well and has been sleeping most of the day. He is starting to rouse now and the main concern is managing his pain.
Currently Nathan's heart rate is 114 bpm, which is great and compare that to the 52bpm high it reached yesterday, that's pretty significant!
No word on when he'll be coming home but Christina doesn't think it will be earlier than Thursday.
I'll leave it to Christina to give you more details when she can get to the computer.
Deb, out!
Pacer is In!
First Update
Better late than never
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pacemaker Surgery

An abnormal change in either the rate or pattern of the heartbeat is called arrhythmia (or dysrhythmia). When this happens, the heart may beat too slowly (bradycardia).
(this is what Nathan has)
A heart rate that is "too slow" to meet the body's needs is called bradycardia (braid-a-card-e-ah). Bradycardia is most commonly caused by either heart block and/or sick sinus syndrome.
Heart Block (or AV Block)
(this is what Nathan has)
In heart block, the impulse that normally travels from the atria to the ventricles is either delayed or stopped. It doesn't mean the blood flow is blocked. It means that the flow of the electrical impulse within the heart is blocked.
Heart block can be either complete or incomplete. Nathan has complete heart block. With complete heart block, no electrical impulses reach the ventricles from the atria.

- A Dual Chamber Pacemaker
This is the pacemaker needed to correct Nathan's heart.
It has two pacing leads. One lead is placed in or on the atrium, and the other placed in or on the ventricle.

- Epicardial
For Nathan the surgeon has chosen the epicardial method. With this method the lead is placed on the external (epicardial) surface of the heart.
The incision to place the leads will be
- under the arm pit (thoractomy)
The "pocket" for the generator (battery) will be made in the upper abdomen just under the rib cage.
The epicardial method is most often used in children whose veins are too small to use the transvenous method.
Tomorrow's Surgery
Nathan's surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. The biggest risk for this surgery is infection. If there is an infection the entire system will need to be replaced. Though Nathan's surgery is scheduled for 7:30am things will get started tonight. Around midnight Nathan will get a special bath that will cleanse him of bacteria. Sometime after that Nathan will have an IV placed. Then of course he will head off to the O.R. early to get set up and start sedation then head for surgery.
There is a possibility that Nathan's surgery will be cancelled tomorrow, however. The Surgeon came by awhile ago and informed us he has an emergency heart transplant this evening. Depending on how that goes and if the surgeon gets any sleep will depend on whether or not we get moved to the next day. I will update you all as soon as I know!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!
In God We (Nearly) Trust
This seemed to ring perfect in my heart, as the storms of life come and go, and we all know that we, the Schoenrock's, are in one now. We trust that God cares and He knows best!
In God We (Nearly) Trust
by Max Lucado
A few days before our wedding, Denalyn and I enjoyed and endured a sailing voyage. Milt, a Miami church friend, had invited Denalyn, her mom, and me to join him and a few others on a leisurely cruise along the Florida coast.
Initially it was just that. Leisure. We stretched out on cushions, hung feet over the side, caught some zzz's and rays. Nice.
But then came the storm. The sky darkened, the rain started, and the flat ocean humped like a dragon's neck. Sudden waves of water tilted the vessel up until we saw nothing but sky and then downward until we saw nothing but blue. I learned this about sailing: there is nothing swell about a swell. Tanning stopped. Napping ceased. Eyes turned first to the thunderclouds, then to the captain. We looked to Milt.
He was deliberate and decisive. He told some people where to sit, others what to do, and all of us to hang on. And we did what he said. Why? We knew he knew best. No one else knew the difference between starboard and stern. Only Milt did. We trusted him. We knew he knew.
And we knew we didn't. Prior to the winds, we might have boasted about Boy Scout merit badges in sailing or bass-boat excursions. But once the storm hit, we shut up. (Except for Denalyn, who threw up.) We had no choice but to trust Milt. He knew what we didn't--and he cared. The vessel was captained, not by a hireling or a stranger, but by a pal. Our safety mattered to him. So we trusted him.
Oh, that the choice were equally easy in life. Need I remind you about your westerly winds? With the speed of lightning and the force of a thunderclap, williwaws anger tranquil waters. Victims of sudden storms populate unemployment lines and ICU wards. You know the winds. You've felt the waves. Good-bye, smooth sailing. Hello, rough waters.
Such typhoons test our trust in the Captain. Does God know what he is doing? Can he get us out? Why did he allow the storm?
Can you say about God what I said about Milt?
I know God knows what's best.
I know I don't.
I know he cares.
Such words come easily when the water is calm. But when you're looking at a wrecked car or a suspicious-looking mole, when war breaks out or thieves break in, do you trust him?
To embrace God's sovereignty is to drink from the well of his lordship and make a sailboat-in-the-storm decision. Not in regard to Milt and the sea, but in regard to God and life. You look toward the Captain and resolve: he knows what's best.
Come Thirsty
© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004) Max Lucado
It's Really Tomorrow
OK so here is a summary of my weekend. I went home Friday as soon as Jeremy arrived to spend time with my birthday boy.
Saturday I slept in (a little) then took my time gathering what was needed for the hospital and then headed back to CHOP to see my Nathan. Jeremy was here all day so I just got to enjoy hanging out with him instead of taking care of stuff. Back home I went that night for another wonderful sleep in my bed. Thanks Todd, Tammi, and Inga for my new bed set!!
Yesterday, Sunday I actually took the whole day off from being at the hospital. It was my sisters bridal shower. I needed a break, a complete day from not being at CHOP. Though I got overwhelmed, making hors d'oeuvres and Jeremy Jr. finding a tick on his leg that tied together with other events made us extremely late, once I got there I realized it all didn't matter. The ladies in the bridal party covered for me and my responsibilities for the party and let me just enjoy and relax! You guys (or ladies I should day) are all great! Huge thanks to my mom too for taking care of everything I was suppose too! I love my Mom! After the party I went home to gather my stuff together and headed back to CHOP with Tammi, Jeremy Jr., and Aaron. Boy was that a handful in this little room here but Nathan had wanted to see them all. The cutest thing was when we first arrived Aaron was sitting on my lap, Nathan sitting next to me and for about 5 minutes Nathan just kept pinching Aaron's cheek saying "Aren't you a cutie". How precious is that! I wish I had gotten and picture.

Though the statistics are that after surgery the heart, if it is going to return to normal function, will do so within 7 - 10 days and this being day 12 does not discourage me. Our God is a big God. He can all things and is not limited to statistics. Please continue praying that Nathan's heart return to normal function. As we have prayed and I have read scripture and have been given words of encouragement from friends, I know that God's will shall be done. I will not loose heart and neither shall you if our prayers aren't answered in the way we thought they should. God has a purpose for Nathan's life and if having a pacemaker installed is part of that purpose then so be it. We may not understand but its cool cause we're not God, ha ha. Continue praying that the Lord's will be done. Pray protection on my son through the night and through the surgery. Thank you all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Aaron
Happy 1st Birthday
Aaron Matthew Todd Schoenrock
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Surgery is not tomorrow
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Faster heart, faster
Long Night
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It is not about ME
Everything here at Children's Hospital is pretty much the same. Nathan is still in heart block and we are just waiting. He has started eating and drinking today and actually "asked" for a drink instead of me forcing it on him. I spoke with the Surgeon today and he said that we will schedule the surgery to put in the pacemaker for Monday or Tuesday of next week.
In the mean time I felt God impress that I should wait out this out for the whole ten days regardless of I was feeling OK about have the procedure done. Below is a devotional I read tonight that really touch on my struggles from last week. I posted earlier about how I had been spending time with the Lord more and really worked this out with God. I am putting my trust in Him daily. And for me that is no small feat cause I have control issues. God is chiseling me away to reveal the Christ in me!
My Struggles are About Him
by Max Lucado
What about your struggles? Is there any chance, any possibility, that you have been selected to struggle for God's glory? Have you "been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake" (Philippians 1:29)?
Here is a clue. Do your prayers seem to be unanswered? What you request and what you receive aren't matching up? Don't think God is not listening. Indeed he is. He may have higher plans.
Here is another. Are people strengthened by your struggles? A friend of mine can answer yes. His cancer was consuming more than his body; it was eating away at his faith. Unanswered petitions perplexed him. Well-meaning Christians confused him. "If you have faith," they said, "you will be healed."
No healing came. Just more chemo, nausea, and questions. He assumed the fault was a small faith. I suggested another answer. "It's not about you," I told him. "Your hospital room is a showcase for your Maker. Your faith in the face of suffering cranks up the volume of God's song."
Oh, that you could have seen the relief on his face. To know that he hadn't failed God and God hadn't failed him--this made all the difference. Seeing his sickness in the scope of God's sovereign plan gave his condition a sense of dignity. He accepted his cancer as an assignment from heaven: a missionary to the cancer ward.
A week later I saw him again. "I reflected God," he said, smiling through a thin face, "to the nurse, the doctors, my friends. Who knows who needed to see God, but I did my best to make him seen."
Bingo. His cancer paraded the power of Jesus down the Main Street of his world.
God will use whatever he wants to display his glory. Heavens and stars. History and nations. People and problems.
Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God.
Through your problems and mine, may God be seen.
It's Not About Me
© (Thomas Nelson, 2007),
Max Lucado
Monday, July 20, 2009
Update on Nathan's Progress

What a Mighty God We Serve
Sunday, July 19, 2009
God's Chisel
Wrap Me In Your Arms
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Just Waiting to Get The Rhythm
I made it to CHOP and this is what I found...
- A little 3 year old boy that is feeling better this afternoon than this morning (sick tummy)
- A recovering (open) heart surgery patience trying to get his heart in a good sinus rhythm (regular 70 to 90 beats a minute) not happening at this time but working hard to get it "in rhythm". He had a bit of a setback last night but DID NOT go back on the pacer.
- A BIG family supporting each other (thank you and God bless the LCF family).
- A Mom and Dad preforming well under pressure, tired, "sore knees" but doing a Dad/Grandfather proud.
- A well trained group of people very, very committed to helping "little ones" get better...(Thank you CHOP staff).
- A group a people relying on God and calling on his POWER to heal and comfort.
I shared these lyrics with Jeremy and Christina but all can use a good Praise reminder.
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles
Chris Tomlin
Friday, July 17, 2009
What a Difference a Day Makes!

Let's Get Up
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Removing the Hardware (at least some of it)

Shocked through the Heart...
What is third-degree or complete heart block?
Complete heart block (complete AV block) means that the heart's electrical signal doesn't pass from the upper to the lower chambers. When this occurs, an independent pacemaker in the lower chambers takes over. The ventricles can contract and pump blood, but at a slower rate than that of the atrial pacemaker.
These impulses are called functional or ventricular scope beats. They're usually very slow and can't generate the signals needed to maintain full functioning of the heart muscle.
So the easy version is that the right and left ventricle are beating at different times and whenever they want. The surgeon came in this morning and took Nathan off the external pacemaker to see if there was any correction and there was not. They will keep him on the external pacemaker for a week, unless he starts to beat in normal rhythm, then after a week if there is no improvement he will need an internal or permanent pacemaker.
The original plan was to move Nathan out of the ICU after two days if he was stable. Due to him having the external pacemaker he will stay in the ICU.
Please pray that the damage done from the surgery heal and be reversed!
I do have some pictures and will post them when I can. Right now I am blogging from my cell so no posting of pictures at this point. We will continue to keep you up to date.