OK so here is a summary of my weekend. I went home Friday as soon as Jeremy arrived to spend time with my birthday boy.
Saturday I slept in (a little) then took my time gathering what was needed for the hospital and then headed back to CHOP to see my Nathan. Jeremy was here all day so I just got to enjoy hanging out with him instead of taking care of stuff. Back home I went that night for another wonderful sleep in my bed. Thanks Todd, Tammi, and Inga for my new bed set!!
Yesterday, Sunday I actually took the whole day off from being at the hospital. It was my sisters bridal shower. I needed a break, a complete day from not being at CHOP. Though I got overwhelmed, making hors d'oeuvres and Jeremy Jr. finding a tick on his leg that tied together with other events made us extremely late, once I got there I realized it all didn't matter. The ladies in the bridal party covered for me and my responsibilities for the party and let me just enjoy and relax! You guys (or ladies I should day) are all great! Huge thanks to my mom too for taking care of everything I was suppose too! I love my Mom! After the party I went home to gather my stuff together and headed back to CHOP with Tammi, Jeremy Jr., and Aaron. Boy was that a handful in this little room here but Nathan had wanted to see them all. The cutest thing was when we first arrived Aaron was sitting on my lap, Nathan sitting next to me and for about 5 minutes Nathan just kept pinching Aaron's cheek saying "Aren't you a cutie". How precious is that! I wish I had gotten and picture.

Though the statistics are that after surgery the heart, if it is going to return to normal function, will do so within 7 - 10 days and this being day 12 does not discourage me. Our God is a big God. He can all things and is not limited to statistics. Please continue praying that Nathan's heart return to normal function. As we have prayed and I have read scripture and have been given words of encouragement from friends, I know that God's will shall be done. I will not loose heart and neither shall you if our prayers aren't answered in the way we thought they should. God has a purpose for Nathan's life and if having a pacemaker installed is part of that purpose then so be it. We may not understand but its cool cause we're not God, ha ha. Continue praying that the Lord's will be done. Pray protection on my son through the night and through the surgery. Thank you all!
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