Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh Uncle Scott!!

Nathan is doing better today. We have been able to get his pain controlled, fever down, and that cold foot warm. Our steps today are to getting Nathan eating and drinking again, and out of bed for a little bit. Though Nathan has thrown up this morning it is only due to the pain meds making him nauseous and other then that we are on our way to a full recovery! Here is Nathan as of last night:

One technique we us to get Nathan back to himself is to have Aunt Debra and uncle Scott visit. After Surgery Nathan doesn't talk, doesn't smile, doesn't move and if you try to get him to smile he just roles his eyes and looks away or closes them. We have found though that when Aunt Debra and Uncle Scott visits this all changes. Here's why:

And here is Nathan just about 30 minutes ago, taking his 1st post-op walk:

1 comment:

Deb said...

Go Nathan Go!!!