Monday, August 25, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Thank You to Lydia Vazquez for the nomination!  I have accepted the challenge.  I nominate Jeremy Schoenrock Sr, Jeremy Schoenrock Jr, Tammi Schoenrock, Todd Schoenrock, and Neil Schafer!

I have donated and here is the video of me being frozen!  Don't forget to donate as well as freeze!  24 hours to donate $10 & dump ice water or donate $100!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Where do You Stand? Embryonic Stem Cell Research

                  What a controversial question!

So here is a moral question that has been brought up by the ALS challenge:

After doing research there are a ton of organizations and foundations that support Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

One that is close to my heart is cancer foundations.  A huge majority of cancer research is from stem cells.  So as a Christian holding to the values of pro-life, that life begins at conception, if you were diagnosed with cancer would you refuse treatment because of how they came about finding that treatment, through stem cell?!

I just never thought about it before but I am pro life....however I feel the same as Kelly Black who posted in response to my question above when I posted it on FB:

"If we denied all things that were against our beliefs, we'd be stuck in our homes w/ no tv, no radio, no cars, etc. we'd basically be Amish. Sometimes I feel like we take stands way too much. Yes it's sad and wrong that they use stem cells. Yes we wish we could have it another way. But when push comes to shove and if you or you're loved one needed a treatment that had been researched on a stem cell, I know I would take it if it meant saving my or my family members life."

...especially since I've been directly effected by my dad dying of brain cancer and Nathan with his heart conditions and pacemaker...both diseases do their majority of research with stem cells.  If it was just stem cells from umbilical cord that wouldn't make me seek the thoughts of others.  But some research comes from aborted fetuses and from fertilization outside of the womb...which then means the baby dies and is discarded after.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Every time I say, "It's Been a While"

So every time I blog I find myself saying, "It's been a while".  Ugh!

I really want to blog but I am not consistent. I am not disciplined and this is in all aspects of my life. Well except when I have an OCD moment!  

I recently discovered that my lack of disciple comes from my OCD desire!  My perfectionism!  If I can't do it perfect, my way, every time, then I can't do it.  Not even a little bit. So if I don't have enough time to clean the kitchen completely from too to bottom, scrub every inch then I can't even start the dishes. 

Yes I know you read that and think, boy what an excuse!  Well I actually thought the same thing. I would beat myself up about t, go crazy! It would start me into a spiral of depression.  Crazy, I know.

So I have been trying to do a little of every thing without finishing it perfectly.  Without being OCD about it. I've started small with straightening the living room but leaving some things around.  Now I'm going to blog knowing that I won't be able to do it every day.

So here's to a new project to work on my  OCD!