Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Every time I say, "It's Been a While"

So every time I blog I find myself saying, "It's been a while".  Ugh!

I really want to blog but I am not consistent. I am not disciplined and this is in all aspects of my life. Well except when I have an OCD moment!  

I recently discovered that my lack of disciple comes from my OCD desire!  My perfectionism!  If I can't do it perfect, my way, every time, then I can't do it.  Not even a little bit. So if I don't have enough time to clean the kitchen completely from too to bottom, scrub every inch then I can't even start the dishes. 

Yes I know you read that and think, boy what an excuse!  Well I actually thought the same thing. I would beat myself up about t, go crazy! It would start me into a spiral of depression.  Crazy, I know.

So I have been trying to do a little of every thing without finishing it perfectly.  Without being OCD about it. I've started small with straightening the living room but leaving some things around.  Now I'm going to blog knowing that I won't be able to do it every day.

So here's to a new project to work on my  OCD!

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