Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This morning the surgery flew by and was done way earlier then expected.  The surgeon was very pleased with how it went and Nathan seemed to be doing fine.  There was however an irregularity in his heart rhythm that they were just watching.

As the afternoon continued Nathan's heart rate dropped and combined with the irregularity was not so great.  They decided to put Nathan on an external pacemaker.  Though this pacemaker is not permanent Jeremy and I can't help but feel though we are just a small step away from Nathan having to return to the OR to have an internal (permanent) pacemaker installed.

God is in the Heart business and I know deep down He is cradling Nathan in is arms.  However please keep us in pray as the enemy is trying to bring me down with lies!  I pray over my son but am feeling the lies of the enemy telling me that my prayers are useless.  "Didn't you try this with your Father and those prayers weren't answered?!"  is the thought he keeps putting in my head.  I know God is faithful and I know my God answers prayer, but I also know that I am weak right now and need you all to hold me up in prayer, just as Aaron and Hur held Moses' hands when he was were weary so I plead with you to hold us in prayer in our time of weariness!

Nathan is a little trooper and has woken up only a couple of times today, each time being as cute as ever!  His personality shows through the medication and pain!

I will keep you all updated as I can!  Love you all!

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