Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Faster heart, faster

Once Nathan awakes his heart rate increases to about 60.  So today was like any other day here, except that Nathan was tied and cranky from the lack of sleep last night.  

He did however eat a drink more today so we are moving forward.  He also told his heart, "Faster heart, faster!"

As of this evening we have a new plan.  Tomorrow we have an echo cardiogram scheduled and most likely will schedule the surgery to install the pacemaker for Friday.  We should know by tomorrow evening at the latest when the surgery is.  If we schedule it for Friday, they tell us there is a 24 hour watch period after and as long as all is well we will be going home.  So we are estimating Sunday morning at the earliest to return home.

As much as we would love for Nathan's heart to return to normal Jeremy and I know that we don't have the whole picture.  God knows what he is doing.  We are trusting in God whole heartily and look forward to making Nathan more comfortable and getting him home to return to some normalcy.  

Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts and we ask that you continue praying for God's will to be done!  Whether that be his heart fixing itself or the pacemaker, it is up to God!

Here is a picture of one of Nathan's first walks after his initial surgery.  Jen this one is for you!
(Check out that diaper butt!  How cute!)

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