Friday, October 10, 2008

Not enough Peanut M&M's in the World!

After an already frustrating day it didn't seem to get any easier, no matter how many Peanut M&M's I ate, haha!

Just when you think you are coming around the curve and starting to head up the mountain, you loose you footing and start slipping down! What do you do? You have good intentions, you have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off many times before. Why? Why now do you have to do it again? Why can't you get a break?

The enemy doesn't want us to be happy. He doesn't want us to start back up that hill so he put some loose rocks on the way to make you slip and loose your footing! I can't stand it.

So last night I posted about in the calm and in the store, you never let go. It is easy to look to God in the calm but when it is stormy we want to curl up in the fetal position and wait for the storm to pass us by. Calm seemed to be just in your reach, just up ahead and now you have fallen and slid back down the mountain so...yes, you do it AGAIN, pick up, dust off, and never let go.

You will never be perfect! Never get it truly right! If you did then there would be no need for God.

Lord, all I want to do is lead people into a true personal relationship with you. Please give me wisdom and guidance! Fill in the gaps that I miss, as I am only human. It is not I that can save them, but only YOU and YOU ALONE!!!!!!

So here I go wiping off the dust and heading back up that hill awaiting what you have in store for me around the next corner, NEVER LETTING GO!

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