Sunday, February 15, 2009

Party Hangover!

No don't worry not that kind of hangover, an exhaustion hangover. I have been fighting being sick for awhile now and between a late night Friday night with decorating and an early rise finishing last minute party planning, then a GREAT party which ended again with a late night, I was exhausted! The sinus infection that I was fighting hit me head on at the end of the night. Sleepless, sick, and up at 4am because Aaron was not feeling well either, I was the mom with a party hangover, too much fun throwing a 3 year old party that I couldn't fight that cold anymore. I woke up sicker then ever, so Jeremy was nice enough to let me stay in bed. I didn't get up until 1pm. Still sick though I will be trying to head to the doctor tomorrow.

Even with being sick today was alot of fun. Jeremy and Nathan had a second party of their own. With all the wonderful toys Nathan got yesterday both the boys had a great time opening new toys every hour or so, playing with them, then opening some more new toys. And in between the opening of each new toy was the excitement of jumping in the trampoline. Yes that's right Nathan got a trampoline for his birthday. It will be really great for him as it is a Therapy item for his left side hemi-paresis! So needless to say yesterday and today were filled with children jumping of the walls with excitement. I am sure that will continue for a little while.

Well for Aaron, we tried new foods today. For dinner we tried peas and that was a no go, with turning of the head and the gage reflex! So we switched to squash to see if that would be better. That was hilarious! The gaging was even worse, but very funny! So we just moved on and let him finish a dinner of formula only.

All in all it was a great day for the children but not so good for me. Hoping tomorrow will be better since Jeremy goes back to work and it is extremely hard to watch children while sick, especially children that are still coming down from a party high!

Here's to tomorrow!

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