Aaron is doing well. He is now 6 1/2 months old. He seems to be healthy and growing well, although we haven't been to the pediatrician in 2 months and have a well visit coming this week so we will verify that everything is still on course (which I am sure it is).
Well Aaron has started getting teeth, which I might have mentioned in an earlier blog, I can't remember. He has two bottom teeth, seems way early. So cute when he smiles! He has started to wave, although you wouldn't know it's a wave unless we pointed it out to you, but it is clear that he responds with the same movement of his hands every time when you wave, he's waving back! He also is rolling over both ways, all over the floor. Although he seems to be moving ahead on a lot of things, and even early on some things, Aaron is still not sitting up well (doing better this week) and still not wanting to put much weight on his legs, just because he doesn't want to. He is a lazy bones, he must know he is the last child, the baby.
Pushing ahead, we have made a complete leap, we havestared adding food to is diet. He is now eating fruits and veggies along with cereal throughout the day on a regular basis. Also we introduced him to his first sippy cup today. Check it out:
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