Sunday, February 22, 2009

Change is HOT!

In reading blogs that I follow, this blog by Chilly Chilton just seemed to follow up my previous blog perfectly. It is not a warm gooey feeling that you get when change comes. We often state we want to change but fight it because of those uncomfortable feelings. Check out what Chilly says, let's hope I keep surrendering when the fire gets HOT!

"So, my quest for TRUTH continues … And as it does, I find that I am continually and often, painfully, being transformed. It is becoming clear to me that anyone who seeks the Truth will discover that they, themselves, cannot avoid being changed in this righteous pursuit. Yes, they must be changed so that they can become the place where the object of their search can reside.

We say, “change is good” and it’s true. But what we don’t consider is that true change often only occurs as a result of fire, pain, trials and tests. Don’t say, “change me Lord” if all you want is another feeling or goosebump - for, IF God is to really change you, transformation through death (to self) is not optional. And it won’t happen as you sleep - there is no spiritual anesthesia available for the one determined to become like Christ.

~ no regrets… Chilly"

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