Oh my Nathan! I don't know where to start. My anxiety level with Nathan has increased so much in the last couple months it couldn't even be charted. I can't control him. I would like to say it is terrible two's/three's and I am sure that a lot of it is, but then there is his neurological issues and his sensory disorder. I am sure it is a combination of both.
The biggest thing for me know is going out in public. The grocery store is frustrating but not to bad. Nathan likes to lay on the floor and slide backwards on his back down every isle. Yes I know most kids like to do that sometimes but his actions are excessive. Then there is church, aaaahhhhh! See Nathan looks normal and for the most part acts normal, if you don't know. By watching him you would just think that Jeremy and I are parents that can not control their child but that is not that case. We can't get through to our child! The grocery store is one thing, I don't care how people look at me or how they react when I deal with Nathan. Church however they are my family, they should be understanding. I can't take the comments or the looks. There is a lovely leather couch in our church lobby. One of Nathan's sensory disorders is sensory seeking, having to have deep pressure. That means throwing himself against furniture, that means the leather furniture at church. Sneakers and all! What do you do? Jeremy and I try to feed that need before we go out but we have ourselves and two other children to get ready for church before I can spend time with just plan wrestling and throwing Nathan around, sounds easy enough but it is more involved then that. What do you do?
The OT has been great with given me pointers and showing us some exercises to do with him. I wish I had her sooner. Early intervention has been so stressful in itself and that is a whole other topic. I have to teach him where and when those sensory exercises are appropriate. But then there is the neurological side of things. He seems to be the smartest boy (not biased, believe me he even has the therapists snowed) yet there is such huge difficulty in communication with him, he just doesn't understand things more like he just can't process them. Right now he is above his age in most things, which is awesome. The downside is we will lose our services. My biggest concern is as he gets older and gets ready for school they might suggest meds to keep him calm and focused. I wish he could continue with his therapy services to try to avoid that.
So with disabilities and the terrible two's/three's I am at a lose for what to do. I don't have the fight in me to continue arguing with those that evaluate him because clearly I see their point but as time passes with no help he will again fall behind as he has in the past. I already have difficulty controlling him and even harder I have difficulty communicating, with my own child. This time is crucial as we will be preparing for school in a couple years without services!
God give me wisdom in dealing with these things. Help the doctors and therapist and specialist to understand! Help me to rely on you more!