Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 2: The Power of the Spirit: Jesus' Ascension and The Holy Spirit

Memory Verse

" ' But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.' " (Acts 1:8)


Graduation Day! Can you imagine how great it's going to feel to be done will school, be more in charge of your own schedule, and be allowed to enjoy your freedom? But then again, it's kind of comfortable where you are. You have a schedule, life is predictable, you know everyone, and you know where everything is. Do you really have to leave all that behind?

In Acts 1:4-14 the disciples were struggling to make that same kind of transition. They'd gotten used to having Jesus around, and they were probably thrilled about this promised Holy Spirit. But I'll bet they secretly wished things could just stay the same. Couldn't Jesus hang around a little longer? But in order to achieve his plan for the spread of the gospel. Jesus had to leave his friends. He wanted them to experience the fullness of a relationship with him and to have the power to spread the Word throughout the region and the world. for that they'd need the Holy Spirit.

This week we're going to look at what Jesus had to say about the Holy Spirit and how he works in our lives. He's our intimate link to the Father, and everything we need is found in him. The Holy Spirit that was promised to the disciples is the same Holy Spirit that lives in each of us, so it's important that we know how to live in him.

Get read, because the Spirit may be more than you bargained for.

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