In my thoughts and prayers about my previous confession blog I realized something. Have you ever had so much to do that you didn't know where to start and in being overwhelmed you just don't do anything? Admit it I think we all have been there at one point. Maybe you didn't purposely choose to do nothing it just happened because you didn't know where to start. Well that is where I am.
With so many demands I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start so I just don't start and therefore do not accomplish anything, becoming lazy. This can be very dangerous!
"Did you know that laziness is a sin? It is. God gave us many Bible verses that talk about laziness, a good work ethic, and stewardship of our time and talents.
Think about this: "Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth" (Prov. 10:4, NIV). This Old Testament verse communicates God's expectation. It is one of the verses that helped produce the old saying, "God helps those who help themselves." One of the ways that God chooses to bless us is by our right use of the abilities He has given us. Laziness is not the same as leisure.
I do not mean that it is inappropriate for Christians to rest or participate in recreation. Laziness is rather a pattern of life that avoids or disdains work. Leisure and recreation are necessary and generally brief respites." ~ Rex Rogers
There I am in a pattern of life that is avoiding work (laziness)! Lord forgive me, help me to seek you for guidance, strength, wisdom. You have put me in charge of my own life, I need to choose what is good, I need to choose to work as unto to You in all areas of my life, not choosing to be lazy, even if that is not my intent!
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