Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today Didn't Bring Much

I know this picture isn't related to the following post but thought you might enjoy another birthday pic.

Aaron blowing out his birthday candles

Earlier today I posted about the plans for the day and that we will see what today would bring.  Well it brought nothing.

Aaron had therapy and that was fine as usual. Nothing significant just the same old same old.  I made one of the two appointments I needed to schedule.  I then went car shopping.

Car shopping is just my favorite thing to do.  Thanks to my great in-laws I was able to get out and shop around.  Tammi watched the boys while Todd and I went on a car hunt.  Let me tell ya, I knew my pickin's were slim but man it was rough.  I do have to say though, that I wouldn't even be able to have pickin's if it weren't for a blessing from God.

A friend from church blessed us with a car for Jeremy to commute to and from work in.  See we had a choice.  Trade in the van and get another family car cause the van is dieing, or go looking for a cheep used car for Jeremy and hope the van didn't die while we still had it.  So we have been blessed with this car for Jeremy which helps us to somewhat finagle trading in the van before it goes on us.  Here's the kicker though, we owe more then the stinking van is worth.  So our chances of trading and getting a newer vehicle and still being able to afford the monthly payments are slim to none!

And that is where the day ended with no car!  God knows what we need, I just need to wait on Him!

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