So yes I finally got a new computer and some of my blog followers gave me a bad time because I said I would post but I haven't. Well I have been updating the computer and syncing it with my iPhone and getting to know it. So now I am ready to go. I figured I would update you all on the family for my first official post on the MAC! (ok its the 2nd post)

Jeremy Jr. has started kindergarten this year. He is doing AWESOME! We had a little problem the 1st week of school with him being very silly but since that note came home and we had a talk with Jeremy he has been doing great. This week was his first week of homework and he knew it all. I barely had to help. Wow he is really growing up in just a couple weeks.
Nathaniel is doing very well since his surgery. He had a pacemaker check by phone yesterday and the tech said it all looks good. Nathan is having a slight difficult time with Jeremy being in school but he is coming into himself and not relying on Jeremy much anymore to make up his mind for him. He is growing up fast too! With other health issues with

Nathan he sees a behavioral specialist once a week, as he was diagnosed with a Behavior Disorder (NOS) a couple months before the surgery. The Behavioral specialist this week said that she thinks that Nathan's behaviors are not due to a behavior disorder but a processing disorder. She thinks his brain is processing much slower than that of a normal person. This sounds more likely to me as well, since I have been stressing to all the Dr.'s that he understands my words but doesn't seem to get what I'm saying. This whole process is made difficult because Nathan is home with me instead of at daycare in a school setting. We are working on that as he is on a waiting list for Head Start. So our next step is to get Nathan tested. He really is doing great though!!!!

Aaron just had is 1 year check up. Yes he is 14 1/2 months but we were late due to Nathan's surgery. He is well. Out of all the children Aaron is the only one that has not been to the doctor's for a sick visit during his first year. He is the boy that doesn't get sick! Amazing since Jeremy and Nathan were both very sick their first years of life with Asthma and ear infections, etc. Not Aaron so far he is healthy, healthy. We do however have to look into Early Intervention for Aaron as his development is behind. He only has three words and he mimics them, not using them purposely. He can say dada, mama, and baby but all repeated. Oh he can say NO too! He also isn't using body language to express himself. For example he doesn't raise his arms to be picked up, he doesn't wave, he doesn't point, etc. There are other things that the doctor asked if he was doing and it was clear he was behind. So we will start with therapy and see what happens. Since Aaron was born I've said he reminds me of Nathan alot with his mannerisms. Let's just hope this is all because he knows he is the baby and wants to be waited on hand and foot. haha Overall though he is doing well!
Jeremy Sr. is a guy and doesn't share what's on his mind (haha) so as far as I know he is doing well.
As for myself, I seem to be a zombie. I know Nathan's surgery was 12 weeks ago and he is back to normal but I have just been messed up since. It was a break in my routine and I have not found my nitch again. I hate to admit it because I feel like I should be back to normal especially since Nathan who is 3 is more back to normal then me. I have been so discombobulated that I have missed therapy appointments and other appointments and that is not normal for me. I am a deer in headlights just waiting to get slammed! I am doing good though. I know that seems like an oxymoron but its true. Though I am out of it I know that I serve a big God and there is no serious things going on so in the long run I am good!!!! So I just tell myself:
Life is Life! Just deal with it!

- Christina