Monday, April 20, 2009

The Honeymoon, Don't Worry Still Strong!

My last blog was posted in the heat of frustration! It is true that ALL marriages/couples have their moments. Posting that blog was more for me to vent, made me feel better. I know I haven't posted since then so I left you all hanging in the wind wondering what is going on. Well don't worry, our Honeymoon isn't over and is still going strong! Let me clarify:

Last post I made a statement about how people would tell me to just wait, wait until the honeymoon phase is over after the first or second year. I always wondered because we didn't get to that point. Well we still haven't, dispite my last blog. I know what your thinking, "man this girl is in denial". No, see I have a special marriage. It may sound like I am tooting my own horn or exaggerating but stay with me. See when Jeremy and I got married I was standing there thinking to myself, "Wow this is an amazing moment!" Thinking that this must be how all brides feel, but it seemed more then that. Just then Pastor Bob leaned over and said, "The Spirit of God is here, can you feel it?" I realized that's what it was. God had divinely place Jeremy and I together and at that moment His Spirit came upon us and we became one under God! How awesome!

Jeremy and I have always had an extra wonderful marriage and for awhile I doubted that it was so good because of those statements from friends and co-workers about that honeymoon phase being over. But I don't have to doubt because God put us together. When people complain about their spouse or their marriage I can truly say, "I don't have that problem"!

Don't get me wrong, Jeremy and I have our moments as do all couples. My last post was one of those moments, but when God is the head of our marriage the honeymoon is never over! I often take it for granted. My last post was just that!

Thank You Lord for leading and guiding me and my Husband, and our marriage together! Thank you that You are continuing to show us the way and strengthen our marriage! You Rock! If I would have picked my own spouse, oh what a disaster that would have been, and what a joyous love I have experienced with you picking! We are truly the perfect couple, only in YOU!

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