Monday, April 5, 2010

Aaron's Falling / Walking Issues

Aaron has been randomly falling then having trouble walking for a couple days then he is fine and weeks later it happens again. Ortho specialist says he is pigeon toed and it is causing his falls which is causing severe bruising n can even cause fractures at this age. He has no fractures at this time.

However with the x-Ray we found a tumor that just happens to be on the same leg. This isn't the reason for his falls. The ortho says that this type of tumor is always binine and only causes pain while the child is sleeping. There is no treatment (huh?) and they go away on their own. So I am not to worry. We just have to deal with the pain as it comes and seems to bother him. (idk). We get a recheck in 6 weeks then maybe an MRI then too, to confirm the correct tumor (very slight chance it's not this type of tumor).

So pray for Aaron and also pray for wisdom as his Mother and wisdom for the doctors!

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