Monday, May 24, 2010


This morning I set aside time to spend with my God. Oh how I miss the consistancy of a regular set time with God and reading his word! Its usually done whenever I fit it in but I need to give it its own time! Without a set time I rush through it and don't really get what I need out of it! I am defenately not stopping to listen!

See right now my biggest struggle is time. Time in all aspects of my life. I know that there is plenty of time yet I feel like there is never enough time!

Time management! That is what I need!

Time management affects every part of life and has especially taken a toll on my alone time with my God.

I am slowly getting my time straightened out.

I love you Lord!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekend Pics

Gramma and Jeremy Jr playing Spiderman

Kayla and her hoagie she just "had to have"