My "Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3" |
Thanks Danny and Marisella for our Dr. Seuss Thing shirts. It truly describes my boys perfectly!
Jeremy Sr. has stayed in touch with some co-workers from his last employer and in response to an email from one of his co-worker/friend I updated her on the kids. I figured that I would use my response as my blog to update you all on what has been going on. Thanks Joan! :)
Jeremy Jr. is starting 1st grade! I can't believe it has been 6 years already. He is growing up so fast. Just this evening we put him in his "own" room with a full size bed (thanks Grammy). He is such a little helper. He has started his his 2nd year of flag football with the Clifton Rams. I am excited to get into these years of sports! (maybe more then he is)
Jeremy Jr's New Bed |
Nathaniel is do great. We have not had to have any cardiology or pacemaker visits in forever because he is doing so well. Next year I want to start him in flag football as it is a non-contact sport, but Jeremy is nervous about that. Nathan is seeing several other specialist for some delays and sensory interrogation issues which tend to cause behavior problems. At this point there is no specific diagnosis. However we are having a hard time getting services/help due to a lack of dx. I haven't pushed hard for any because he has been young and wanted to wait out what might be age behavior verses a behavior disorder. But at this point I am going to be pushing the issue and pushing it hard. He is behind in many areas due to the lack of help.
Nathan and Mommy OC '10 |
Nathan will be starting preschool in September. This is hard as I am not working and to pay for preschool is just not really in our budget, but the Delaware County Intermediate Unit with not service him or his delays without being in a school format. So to say the least the many appointments just trying to get help is keeping me extra busy, as if three kids wasn't enough.
All Aaron's Clean Underwear |
Aaron just turned two! I started potty training him last weekend. He is wearing underwear all day unless we have an appt. to go to. I don't like to switch between underwear and pullups to keep them from getting confused but as of right now I don't think I will have an extended period of time where there are no appts. So we are just going with it. He seems to be doing great. If only we could get the pooping in the toilet instead of the underwear I think we'd be set. Well that and not having him throw all the clean underwear in the toilet when I turn away for a second. Aaron is showing some similarities to Nathan. Aaron does have a speech therapist and a special instructor coming every other week. When they are younger you get better help through the county, but when they switch to the IU which is covered by the school districts they don't want to pay. So we are getting better help with Aaron right now then with Nathan. I am hoping that alot of the behavior stuff I see is learned behavior, so I am trying not to jump on everything he does and go right to the specialist for testing. I am watching and waiting.
The three of them are all characters and keep me smiling everyday! Jeremy with is cuddling, Nathan with his random "I love you mommy, your the best" and Aaron with his not stop laughing. It makes it all worth while.
3 Boys in a "Big Boy Bed" |
Jeremy Sr's job is going great. It is a change of pace but he is loving it. It is so laid back, no stress, tons of great benefits like an abundance of time off. That has come in handy with the children's medical appointments. He has been so disconnected from alot of it because of lack of time but this job has provided an opportunity for us to attend these things together. What a God send. I know he misses you too. He mentioned you here and there and whenever Genex comes up. It is so weird that Genex isn't a part of our life anymore. Between the time I worked there and he worked there, Genex was a part of our lives for almost 8 years, crazy.
...And that's a wrap!